July 20, 2020
Coryell Health would like remind our community of our COVID-19 testing hours:
Monday – Friday ǀ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
After hours testing would be by appointment only for symptomatic patients.
Patients who need routine medical care or are having non-COVID-19 related issues can still be seen by our Quick Care Walk-In Clinic.
Important reminders:
- Individuals who were exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID and are asymptomatic should wait minimum of 5 days until testing or test when symptoms develop.
- If an individual tested positive at another facility, that person will need to do follow-up testing at that facility or provide our medical clinic with physician orders for testing.
- When testing positive for COVID at Coryell Health, we contact patients and set up telehealth appointments to help guide the patient and family out of quarantine using a test based strategy.
Coronavirus Online Screening Tool https://coryellhealth.org/covid-19-screening
Coryell Health Medical Clinic/ Quick Care Walk-In Clinic/ Telehealth (254) 865-2166
Coryell Health COVID-19 Website https://coryellhealth.org/covid