

Mammograms: Your Best Bet for Detecting Breast Cancer Early

Early detection of breast tissue abnormalities can mean the difference between life and death. Doctors recommend all women ages 40 and older begin scheduling annual mammogram appointments.

Mammograms use low-energy X-rays to scan breast tissue for abnormalities. The X-rays don’t go through tissue easily, so two plates are used to compress the tissue for better visibility. At Coryell, we provide 3D mammograms in addition to standard 2D ones. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies indicate that combining a 3D mammogram with a standard mammogram can result in about one more breast cancer for every 1,000 women screened compared with a standard mammogram alone. One more detection can mean one fewer lives lost.

Mammograms use low-energy X-rays to scan breast tissue for abnormalities

3D mammograms take pictures of the breast from multiple different angles, allowing for increased visibility of each layer of breast tissue. Ultimately, this reduces call-backs and saves time, money and emotional turmoil women face when having to re-do their mammograms because of an unclear concern.

Screening mammograms are annual preventive exams that only take about 10 to 20 minutes. If there are any signs of breast cancer symptoms or past history of breast cancer, a doctor may order a diagnostic mammogram. A diagnostic mammogram is more detailed than a screening mammogram and may take longer.

No physician referral is needed to schedule your 3D mammogram, and results are sent directly to your medical practitioner, regardless of whether or not they are a Coryell health provider.

Call (254) 248-6238 to schedule an appointment |  Waiting period for appointments is usually less than 48 hours | Insurance requires a year and a day since the patient’s last mammogram.

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