Contact us at: (254) 248-6296
Quality sleep is necessary for optimal health and can affect hormone levels, mood, and weight. As an accredited sleep center by the American Association of Sleep Medicine, Coryell Health Sleep Center understands sleep conditions can impact a person’s overall health, safety, and quality of life. Our team of medical professionals evaluates symptoms, then finds ways to help patients achieve a better night’s sleep and better quality of life.
To best diagnose patients, Coryell Health utilizes a sleep study called Polysomnography. This test records a patient’s brain waves, oxygen levels, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements. Typically, patients will be asked to come to our Sleep Center in the evening so the test can record regular, nighttime sleep patterns. In addition to helping diagnose sleep disorders, polysomnography may be used to help adjust a patient’s treatment plan if he or she has already been diagnosed with a sleep disorder.
For more information, browse our Sleep Center Brochure.
Contact Us
Respiratory Care & Sleep Center
Phone: (254) 248-6296
Featured Blogs
How Much Sleep Should Children Get?
Every person needs to sleep to maintain optimal mental and physical health, but this rest is particularly vital for youth. While children sleep, their bodies are busy growing and developing....
Catch More Zzzs With Coryell Health’s Sleep Center
Need Better Sleep? Coryell Can Help. If you want to improve your health and your mood, the first step might be to get better sleep. Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on...
Give Yourself the Gift of Sleep This Holiday Season
Rest Easy With These Sleep Tips A recent survey of 2,000 Americans found that hosting family and friends during the holidays can lead to losing two and a half...
Help for the Holidays
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Did you know daylight savings time is even harder on teens?
Teenagers need 8 to 10 hours of sleep “for optimal health,” according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. We all know most teens are getting much less sleep than...
Dr. Holland Presents Inspire Therapy- an Alternative for Sleep Apnea Patients Struggling with CPAP
Coryell Health is hosting a Lunch and Learn on Thursday, August 15 with Dr. Bradford Holland presenting a Coryell Community Health Talk on Inspire, the only FDA-approved obstructive sleep apnea...
CPAP Not Working? Try Inspire For Sleep Apnea
Say Goodbye to Obstructive Sleep Apnea With Inspire You wake with a start, heart pounding and gasping for air. Over breakfast, your spouse tells you about your loud snoring, and...