Say Goodbye to Obstructive Sleep Apnea With Inspire
You wake with a start, heart pounding and gasping for air. Over breakfast, your spouse tells you about your loud snoring, and you struggle to stay awake for the rest of the day. You climb into bed exhausted, but the hum of your CPAP machine, its leaky mask, its pesky hose and your painful nasal sores keep you (and your spouse) up.
And then? You do it all over again.
If this sounds like your everyday routine, it’s time to talk to your doctor about Inspire therapy.
What Is the Inspire Sleep Apnea Device?
For patients who struggle with CPAP, Inspire is the only FDA-approved treatment that works inside your body as a long-term, low-maintenance solution to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) that doesn’t require a mask or hose.
Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when a patient’s tongue and airway muscles relax and block the flow of air into the lungs as they sleep. This causes their breathing to abruptly start and stop, and they may gasp for air or even momentarily stop breathing during sleep. Other common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include loud snoring, insomnia, waking with a headache and dry mouth, fatigue and irritability.
How Does the Inspire Device Work?
Unlike continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), Inspire doesn’t require a mask or a hose to function. The Inspire implant combats obstructive sleep apnea by delivering mild pulses to key muscles to keep your airway open while you sleep. With the Inspire remote, you can turn on your therapy for the night with the push of a button. When you download the Inspire app, you can track your sleeping habits and share the data with your doctor.
What Should I Expect From the Procedure?
The Inspire device is implanted through a 90-minute outpatient procedure with a short recovery time. Dr. Holland will make two small incisions. The first incision will place the device just below your skin near your collarbone, and the second incision will be near your jawline and connect the implant to the nerve in your neck that controls your tongue. According to Inspire Medical’s 2020 ADHERE Registry update, over 99.5% of Inspire implant procedures are successfully completed without any major complications.
How Long is the Recovery Time After Surgery?
You should expect some pain and swelling at the incision sites for a few days after the surgery. Based on your recovery, you may be able to go home the same day you have the surgery, or your doctor may want to keep you overnight.
Within a few days following the procedure, you should be able to return to normal non-strenuous activities. You should avoid strenuous activities for about two weeks or as directed by your doctor. A week after surgery, your doctor will examine you to ensure you are healing properly.
How Soon Will I Notice Benefits from Inspire?
For the first four to six weeks after the procedure, you will use Inspire every night and slowly increase the amplitude until you achieve comfortable, restful sleep. Following the procedure, reported benefits include:
- 90% of bed partners report no snoring or soft snoring
- 91% of people are satisfied with Inspire therapy
- 94% of patients say Inspire therapy is better than CPAP and would recommend it to others
How Long Does an Inspire Implant Last?
The actual implant is designed to last a lifetime. However, it operates on a battery that lasts approximately 10-12 years. Replacing the battery is a relatively fast and easy outpatient procedure.
Will I Feel the Inspire Device Implant?
When the therapy is turned on, you should feel a mild sensation from the stimulation. Typically, patients feel a tingling sensation or mild contraction in their tongue muscles.
Stimulation is delayed for a period of time while you fall asleep. After this start delay, stimulation resumes. The stimulation is gentle and designed to move the tongue forward without disturbing your sleep.
Is Inspire Covered By Insurance?
Inspire therapy is covered by most major U.S. insurance providers, including Medicare and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, for those who have tried and struggled with CPAP. The FDA has set other eligibility requirements for the Inspire procedure, including:
- The patient must be 18 or older
- The patient must be diagnosed with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea
During your initial Inspire consultation with Dr. Holland, feel free to ask any questions about coverage with your specific insurance plan.
Meet the Doctor
Dr. Bradford Holland has over 23 years of experience treating Central Texans’ ENT needs and is one of the only physicians in the region qualified to implant an Inspire device.
Change Your Life with Inspire
Put an end to your sleepless nights and call (254) 865-2166 to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Holland today. Interested in hearing from patients who have Inspire? Visit the Inspire website to access informational videos, patient stories and more.