Coryell Health recently added Dr. Nadege T. Gunn to the ranks!

Coryell Health recently added Dr. Nadege T. Gunn to the ranks! A gastroenterologist and hepatologist who focuses on finding therapies for liver-related illnesses, she’s committed to providing world-class care for patients, close to home. Dr. Gunn is also a Medical Advisory Member for the American Liver Foundation and the Fatty Liver Foundation. Learn more about her here:

Is Bariatric Surgery In A Foreign Country Worth The Cost?

Traveling south of the border has its perks. Sunny beaches, delicious food, and rich cultural history make Mexico a desirable vacation spot. But, when it comes to a life-changing surgery, is the bargain surgery worth the added cost? 

Visiting another country to obtain healthcare, known as “medical tourism,” creates a considerable amount of potential complications. If you’ve researched bariatric surgery, you’ve likely seen that a common trend for candidates – especially those looking to save money – is to have the operation performed in Mexico. While these procedures appear to cost less, the risk to your individual health and safety becomes a costly consideration. Further treatment is often needed upon returning, possibly amounting to thousands of dollars out-of-pocket.

  • There is no individualized patient plan and education, resulting in long-term complications after the surgery and unsuccessful long-term weight loss.
  • Mexico surgery centers do not have to adhere to the same guidelines as clinics and surgeons in the U.S. In the U.S., patients are protected by healthcare laws and practice standards.
  • Patients have to fly home before fully recovering from surgery, increasing the risk of developing pulmonary embolism and blood clots.
  • There is no nutritional counseling or follow-up care to monitor for malnutrition, which can lead to short- and long-term health problems, slow recovery from wounds and illnesses and vitamin deficiencies, which can cause hair and nail loss.
  • The inability for patients or families to take legal action as a result of harm or death.


Adding travel expenses, lodging, and time away from work, the cost of crossing the border for bariatric surgery adds up quickly.

  • Specialized care by a doctor trained in bariatrics and metabolic surgery
  • A medical team who will provide a customized care plan to meet individual patient needs
  • A comprehensive guide you and your medical team use to equip you with the knowledge needed to maintain a successful weight loss journey
  • Big city standard of medical expertise with a small-town level of care
  • No travel requirements before or after the procedure
  • Continued follow-up care and relationships with your healthcare provider

The Coryell Health Minimally Invasive Surgery Center offers bariatric surgery led by David Gochnour, MD, complemented by expert nutrition advice and behavioral health counseling to maximize results and long-term success. Coryell Health is now offering the most competitive price in Central Texas for bariatric surgery.

Think bariatric surgery could change your life for the better? Learn more here

Want a bariatric medicine nurse to contact you? Click here.

Coryell Health Provides Cancer Screenings

Start Off 2022 By Protecting Yourself Against More Than Just COVID-19

Don’t let the COVID-19 pandemic keep you and your loved ones from getting routine medical care. Annual wellness checks and routine screenings can identify many health issues early, including the five most aggressive types of cancer: lung, colorectal, breast, pancreatic and prostate.

Early detection is key because the quicker cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. More treatments are available for cancers detected at Stage 1 than at other stages, and survival rates are much higher. Receiving a cancer diagnosis is never easy, but early detection brings hope. 

Lung Cancer

Known as the most aggressive form of cancer, lung cancer is most often caused by smoking/tobacco use. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently revised its recommendations on who should get a low-dose CT scan and when. Low-dose CT scans, which can detect cancer earlier, have improved survival rates for those with lung cancer, even for heavy smokers. The new recommendations take a person’s personal smoking history into account, so if you’ve ever been a smoker, even just an occasional one, check it out

Colorectal Cancer

Most colorectal cancer cases begin as small, benign cells that become cancerous over time. Physicians use screenings, like colonoscopies, for early detection and prevention. If you’re between the ages of 45 and 75, this is a crucial test. Here’s the good news: you don’t necessarily have to go in for a colonoscopy. The USPSTF’s new recommendations say most people can start with an at-home stool test to screen for cancer. Call your doctor to find out what kind of screening is right for you and ask how you can get started.

Breast Cancer

The second most common type of cancer in women is breast cancer. Coryell Health doctors recommend women begin having annual mammograms starting at age 40. Family and personal medical history should be taken into account, so if you’re age 40 or older and haven’t had a mammogram yet, call your doctor to discuss when is the right time for you.

Coryell Health has 3D mammogram technology, which produces the clearest and most precise scans possible. For your convenience, Coryell Health Diagnostic Imaging allows you to book your appointment without seeing a provider for a referral. Call (254) 248-6238 to schedule your 3D mammogram today. One of our family medicine providers will follow up with you regarding your results.

Also, let your doctor know when you’re scheduled to receive your COVID-19 shots. One of the side-effects of the vaccine is swollen lymph nodes, which can alter your mammogram images. Most doctors recommend waiting 4-6 weeks after your COVID-19 shot to get your mammogram.

Pancreatic Cancer

Currently, there are no standard screenings for pancreatic cancer. Those with a genetic tendency for pancreatic concerns should discuss routine endoscopic ultrasounds or MRI/CT imaging with a family medicine provider.

Prostate Cancer

This is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in men. There are two tests to check for prostate cancer: a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test or a digital rectal examination (DRE). After a certain age, a doctor may recommend regular screening. A prostate exam can help detect cancer while it is still highly treatable, even if symptoms are not present.

Other Recommended Cancer Screenings for Adults

We also recommend HPV tests for women under 65 to screen for the human papillomavirus, a very common STD that causes warts and can be linked to cervical cancer. There are more than 3 million cases of HPV in the United States per year. To screen for it, your doctor may take a “pap smear” cytology test. Testing should be done with regularity, but your individual testing schedule is dependent on your personal medical and sexual history. 

You can get an HPV vaccine to help prevent HPV and cervical cancer through the age of 45, but check with your insurance provider first, to make sure you’re covered. HPV also affects men, so young men may want to consider getting the vaccine, too. 

Warning Signs

Here are some common warning signs of cancer: fatigue, weight loss, swelling or lumps in any part of the body and unexplained pains. However, many symptoms associated with cancer could also be signs of other conditions. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms or anything unusual, schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.